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  1. Biggar High School bring gift to Robin House

    Last week Fundraiser Samantha Reilly met pupils from Biggar High School. They had made the journey to Robin House and had a special gift to hand over.

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  2. A Scottish First: Diana Nurse Awarded Queen’s Nurse Status

    A nurse with over 30 years' service who works for Children's Hospices Across Scotland - better known as CHAS - is to be awarded the prestigious title of Queen's Nurse by the Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland, in a ceremony held in Edinburgh Thursday, 29 November.

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  3. The Board of CHAS – who are they and what do they do?

    Given that November 12th – 16th is National Trustees’ Week, I thought I’d take the opportunity to write a brief piece to remind you of the work of the CHAS Board of Trustees. Many of you will know that we exist, but you maybe aren’t so sure of our backgrounds nor how we structure our work as a Board. So, here goes…

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  4. Dr Pat's autumn update

    It has been a busy few months here at CHAS, so I have put this update together to inform you of some of the exciting things that have been happening as we head into November.

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  5. Charity football match in memory of a friend - Andrew McDougall

    A charity football match held in East Kilbride has raised £1,685.09 for CHAS in memory of Andrew McDougall who passed away at Robin House.

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