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  1. CHAS Christmas cards on sale online

    Our ever popular selection of CHAS Christmas cards are for sale online.

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  2. King Charles visits Rachel House

    His Majesty, King Charles, visited the Kinross Day Centre at Rachel House, meeting families supported by CHAS.

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  3. People and purpose

    How does an individual sense of purpose link to the place where you work? Our Director of People and Strategy, Morven MacLean reflects on how a sense of belonging and a shared organisational purpose can help bring the best out of staff and volunteers at CHAS.

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  4. Little Rays of Sunshine appeal

    CHAS launches ‘Little Rays of Sunshine’ appeal to provide precious respite stays for dying children and their families across Scotland

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  5. Volunteers: Celebrating the powerful impact of small gestures at CHAS

    From small gestures that create lasting memories to expanding our reach and raising vital funds, our volunteers make a world of difference.

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