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  1. Team ‘Legs Miserable’ have raised over £2,300 with 2 day hike and bike

    Huge Congratulations to Team ‘Legs Miserable’ who took on a two day hike and bike and have raised over £2300!

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  2. Good Death Week - Talking about death

    Amanda Reid, Robin House Chaplain, shares her experience of working with families from referral to bereavement following the death of a child.

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  3. CHAS partnership with NHS Lothian enhances neonatal care and family support

    Sue Hogg, Director of Children and Families at CHAS, talks about our partnership with NHS Lothian to enhance neonatal care and family support.

    CHAS has been working with colleagues at NHS Lothian since 2014 to enhance the neonatal palliative care and the support that families receive at the Simpson's Centre for Reproductive Health in Edinburgh. A new report on this collaborative approach demonstrates that families and staff truly value the very specialised support that CHAS can offer.

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  4. Running the Distance for 'Joe's Toes'

    Family and friends take on marathon summer fundraiser in honour of stillborn son's tribute fund for CHAS.

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  5. Dr McIntosh, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, talks about the new post in Glasgow

    CHAS has been working with colleagues at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for three years to help put in place a new Supportive and Palliative Care Team at the hospital - and it is happening right now.

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