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  1. Corporate partnerships: a blog from Scottish Gas

    In the lead up to Christmas, we have asked some of our corporate partners to write a guest blog post highlighting why they think it's never been so important for both individuals and organisations to support CHAS this Christmas. Our first guest blog post is from David Robertson, Head of Customer Delivery at Scottish Gas, who has a personal attachment to CHAS and the work we do in the community.

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  2. Playing my part in the CHAS Christmas campaign

    Robin House Staff Nurse, Christie Church, who features in our first ever TV advert, shares her experiences during filming and explains why the work of CHAS has never been more important.

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  3. What's in a letter?

    You may have noticed that CHAS looks a bit different heading into Christmas - and not just because of the addition of Christmas tinsel and glitter… Read our latest blog from Susanne Cameron-Nielsen, Associate Director of External Affairs, on our new Christmas alphabet.

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  4. This Christmas, families have never needed us more

    Iain McAndrew, Director of Communications and Fundraising, blogs about the launch of our Christmas fundraising appeal, which launched yesterday and features our first ever TV ad.

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  5. Help dying children and their families this Christmas

    CHAS aims to ensure no-one faces the death of their child alone.

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