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What's in a letter?

You may have noticed that CHAS looks a bit different heading into Christmas - and not just because of the addition of Christmas tinsel and glitter… Read our latest blog from Susanne Cameron-Nielsen, Associate Director of External Affairs, on our new Christmas alphabet.

The very core essence of who we are is rooted in being a children's charity. Therefore, children and their families and carers are the most important people - quite simply they define our identity and are central to our story.

Christmas Alaphabet Letter Scatter 1

Our brand essence (pardon the jargon!) is JOY. Given the heart-rending situation families face, this may come as a surprise. It was however the resounding feedback we had from children and families when we had them help with our re-brand in 2017. But on reflection, isn't it obvious? The simple JOY that is inherent in having a child, in being a child - why should that be denied to any family, however short their time together may be?

The heartbreaking truth is, the lives of the children CHAS cares for will be short. But together we can make sure - we must make sure - that those lives are as rich, rewarding and joyous as they can possibly be.

So naturally we play out that joy in everything we do. The letters you see that make up our name 'CHAS', including the alphabet scatter that is on our materials and website, the magnetic letters we proudly sell in our charity shops (and online) are all designed by children and their families. Each represent a very unique story. I hope you agree that the creativity, the fun and the playfulness comes through in their designs and that overall you see how JOY jumps out of each and every one of these letters.

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So, what is more natural than asking the very best designers in Scotland (maybe even the universe!) - the children - who have already been awarded the prestigious Data & Marketing Association Brand Gold Award AND the Third Sector Brand Development Award in 2018, to design our very first CHAS Christmas Alphabet? Despite creating these in September, our fabulous teams in the hospices and CHAS at Home told me that the children (and they!) had enormous fun; there were lots of Christmas carols sung - and that paint ended up everywhere, including noses!

I hope their alphabet letter designs give you as much joy as the children and families experienced in designing them.

Behind each letter is an individual story. But, we are acutely aware that for each letter missing there is a child and a family that CHAS hasn't reached yet.

Right now, the simple truth is CHAS is not able to reach every child and family that needs us. We are determined in our ambition of being there for all the children and families in Scotland who need us. But to do this, we need your help. So, if you are able to, this Christmas please donate to CHAS and stand with these children and families. Help us ensure that no-one has to face the death of their child alone and so that their lives are as rich, rewarding and joyous as they can possibly be.

Yes! I will stand with families facing the death of their child this Christmas.

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If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: