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CHAS Fundraising Event Opportunities

Can you give a few hours to help the CHAS Fundraising Events Support Team? There’s lots of fun to be had helping us to raise money to fund our vital services.


Have a browse and once you’ve found an event/s to suit you, it’s easy to sign up – just click on the link under the event. We’ll be in touch soon after with all the info you need to have a great time with CHASfest. And don’t worry if you’re new to volunteering – we’ll show you the ropes and give you a very warm welcome! Why not get a friend to sign up too?

Sunday 15th September - Edinburgh Kiltwalk 

Venue: Fisherrow, Edinburgh

Volunteer Role:  Cheer Point

Shifts: 9:30am - 12, 12pm – 2pm

Volunteers Needed:  4

Sign Up Here

Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September - Hairy Highland Coo Trail Farewell Event

Venue: Scone Palace, Perth

Volunteer Role: Variety of roles including selling raffle tickets, merchandise, selling entry tickets, assisting the general public

Shifts: 10 - 12pm, 12 - 2pm, 2 - 4pm

Volunteers needed: 4 per shift

Sign Up Here

Sunday 13 October - Forth Bridge Abseil

Venue: Hawes Inn, South Queensferry 

Volunteer Role: Registration, Marshalling, Runner 

Shifts: Morning or Afternoon shifts available 

Volunteers Needed: 10

Sign Up Here

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: