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Donald Macdonald

As well as sitting on our Board, Donald is also a member (and convenor) of the Corporate Governance and Risk Committee. More recently, he has chaired the Rachel House Redesign Committee.

After leaving University in 1990 and qualifying as a solicitor Donald was employed in a range of roles within the legal function of The Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest group of companies.

Before retiring in September 2023, Donald was Deputy General Counsel and General Counsel Retail Banking & Services for the Natwest Group.

During Donald's career he built and led several legal teams, advising and supporting a range of business units up to and including Board level. Donald has extensive experience as a company secretary and as a member of audit and risk committees.

Donald enjoyed participating in volunteering both through the Bank and The Law Society, including helping legal education programmes in schools, assisting with food banks, and gardening at respite centres and schools.

Donald is married and has three daughters, and being family oriented he spends his free time with them enjoying travelling and socialising. Donald has a keen interest in all sport (particularly football), although participation in recent years has been restricted to occasional golf.

I am incredibly privileged to be able to help CHAS in its ambitious goal to deliver world class care and support to every family in Scotland who need its help. 

The care, respect, empathy and sense of fun that the staff and volunteers bring to the most difficult of circumstances is truly inspirational.

Donald Macdonald

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: