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Glasgow City

Zipslide down the Clyde

Zipslide down the Clyde!

You will be raised in a carriage by a crane to around 150ft before stepping off into thin air and scooting 1000ft from the Glasgow Riverside down the Clyde towards the Tall Ship. If you are brave enough to keep your eyes open, the views across Glasgow are incredible!

Limited places are available. By registering you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • You will pay a non-refundable registration fee of £25 and endeavour to fundraise a minimum of £200


  • Over 10 years old (10-15 years old must have parent consent and a guardian present on the day)
  • Participants must be over 25kg (3.9 stone) in weight and under 110kg (17.3 stone)
  • Harnesses are designed to fit waist size of 40cm (15.7 inches) to 125cm (49.2 inches)

Your dedicated fundraiser will be there every step of the way, right up to the point you step off the crane and beyond!

Any questions please contact Louise by email: teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: