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Crochet Every Day

This November look out your hooks and yarn and join us for our Crochet Every Day in November challenge!

The challenge is to crochet each day and raise vital funds for children with life-shortening conditions and their families across Scotland. You can take part wherever you are across the whole month whether you’re a seasoned pro or complete beginner - this is your challenge, your way.

To take part, join our dedicated Facebook group. where you’ll be able to connect with other participants throughout the challenge, share your progress and crocheted creations, and access helpful fundraising tips.

You will also be able to register for your FREE t-shirt and set up your Facebook fundraiser in the group.

We’ve tried to answer as many questions you may have below, but if we’ve missed any, please don’t hesitate to email Louise on teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

How do I pay in my donations?

If you have received cash donations during your challenge, you can deposit them into your own account and use the form below to send them to CHAS.

How do I register?

Visit this link and wait for the pop-up to register. You will then be re-directed to set up your fundraiser. Your fundraising banner and title will be set for you, but feel free to personalise your fundraiser in the 'About' section.

How do I take part in the challenge?

Simply crochet every day and get your friends and family to sponsor you through your Facebook fundraiser. If you're a complete beginner, then why not take on a small project and master the basics of crochet over the month? Or if you're more advanced, then you can attempt a challenging pattern that you've always wanted to try and see if you can complete it in 30 days?

We’ll be sharing patterns in the lead up to the challenge and encouraging members to share their favourite patterns with the group!

What do I need to get started for the crochet challenge?

It’s simple! You just need a ball of yarn, a crochet hook, and the determination to crochet every day! Get your friends and family to sponsor you through your Facebook fundraiser as you progress through the challenge.

Help! I’m a beginner, where do I start?

We will be sharing patterns to get you started along with hints and tips over in our Facebook group. Don’t be scared to ask the group for advice!

What should I do with my creations once complete?

Why not gift them to friends and family to thank them for their support? Or you could sell them and raise even more money for CHAS! It’s your choice.

Do I have to set up a Facebook fundraiser?

Facebook fundraisers are the easiest way for you to fundraise. The funds raised are sent directly to the CHAS bank account and there are no fees involved.

Alternatively, you can set up a page on JustGiving – please make sure you call your page Crochet Every Day for CHAS.

Or you can request a sponsor sheet for collecting cash by emailing Louise on teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

A friend accidentally donated to my Facebook fundraiser. Can you give them a refund?

Unfortunately we can’t issue refunds through Facebook but people can request a refund themselves from Facebook by following the below steps:

Send the person who accidentally donated this link: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/162031714239823, then ask them to

  • Select - I donated to a fundraiser on Facebook
  • Select - I want a refund for my donation(s)
  • Select - I made a donation by accident and request the refund.

My friend who is not on Facebook would like to donate – how can they do this?

There are two options for them to support your fundraiser:

  • They can give you the cash or transfer you the funds (via PayPal, Online Banking etc) and you can add the donation to your fundraiser yourself
  • Or they can donate directly to CHAS at: https://www.chas.org.uk/donate. If they do this please ask them to put your name and “Crochet Every Day” in the message box so funds can be allocated correctly.

I requested a sponsor sheet – how do I send in the funds raised from this?

If you have raised money via a sponsor sheet then you can:

I want to complete the challenge as a team, how do I do this?

Facebook suggests you can add up to three friends to be organisers of your fundraiser. Together you and your friends can then manage the fundraiser and rally more supporters to reach your fundraising goals.

To do this first create your fundraiser on Facebook and then click the three dots next to the "share" button - here you can add your additional organisers. If you need further guidance, please email Louise on: teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: