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Knit Every Day in August

Look out your yarn and ready the knitting needles as our Knit Every Day in August challenge returns!

Knit Every Day in August is a month-long knitting challenge designed to bring together knitting enthusiasts from far and wide and raise vital funds for children with life-shortening conditions and their families across Scotland. Whether you're a seasoned knitter or a beginner eager to learn, this event welcomes everyone with open arms and yarn-filled baskets. By participating, you'll join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all united by a love for knitting and a desire to support the invaluable work that CHAS does.

To take part, join our dedicated Facebook group where you can connect with fellow participants throughout the challenge. Document your progress, share photos of your creations and find helpful fundraising tips as part of the Knit Every Day in August community. In the group, you can set up your Facebook fundraiser and you will also be able to register for your FREE CHAS tote bag – perfect for keeping your knitting bits and pieces together!

Use your Facebook fundraiser to share your challenge with friends and family and gather sponsorship. Raise £150 and you’ll receive your very own CHAS medal! We’ve tried to answer as many questions as possible below, but if you have any queries please don’t hesitate to email Holly at teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

How do I take part in the challenge?

Throughout the month of August, your mission is simple: knit every day! You can choose to complete a specific project, work on a larger masterpiece, or simply enjoy the therapeutic process of knitting. Each day we encourage you to check in on the Knit Every Day in August Facebook group to share your creations and connect with fellow group members. We’ll be sharing knitting patterns, fundraising tips and answering your questions. Together, we'll create a virtual gallery of your brilliant knitted pieces while raising awareness and funds for CHAS!

How do I register for the challenge?

Visit this link https://givp.nl/register/4brP6jUR and wait for the pop-up to appear. You will then be re-directed to set up your fundraiser. Your fundraising banner and title will be set for you, but feel free to personalise your fundraiser in the 'About' section.

What do I need to get started?

All you need is a ball of yarn, some knitting needles and the determination to knit every day! Share your August challenge with your friends and family and have them sponsor you through your Facebook fundraiser, showcasing your progress throughout the challenge.

Can I crochet or do another form crafting as part of the challenge?

Of course, this is your challenge your way! We would be delighted for you to join us and support CHAS in anyway you are able to. Every penny raised counts - thank you!

Help! I’m a beginner, where do I start?

Don’t worry! We will be sharing patterns to get you started along with hints and tips over on our Facebook group. The group will have a mix of new knitters and seasoned pros – use the group community to ask for encouragement and advice!

What should I do with my creations once complete?

Why not gift them to friends and family to thank them for their support? Or you could sell them and raise even more money for CHAS! It’s your choice.

Can I knit something for the children at the hospices?

Thank you so much for the lovely offer, we’re grateful for your support in knitting for CHAS, raising vital funds. Our hospices aren’t able to take donations due to infection control measures, but we’d be delighted if you sold your knitted item/s to someone who donates to your fundraising page, helping support children and families all across Scotland.

Do I have to set up a Facebook fundraiser?

Facebook fundraisers are the easiest way for you to fundraise and the funds raised are sent directly to the CHAS bank account. Alternatively, you can set up a fundraising page on JustGiving. Here's the link to follow to set up your Knit Every Day in August JustGiving page:


You can also collect cash donations using your paper sponsorship form which you’ll receive in your welcome pack.

How do I pay in cash donations?

If you have raised cash donations you can:

  • Deposit them into your own account and submit them via your Facebook fundraiser
  • Donate the raised funds online here: https://www.chas.org.uk/donate. Make sure to put your name and ‘Knit Every Day’ in the comment box
  • Or transfer the funds directly to our bank account. Get in touch with Holly for our bank details at teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

A friend accidentally donated to my Facebook fundraiser. Can you give them a refund?

Unfortunately, we can’t issue refunds through Facebook, but people can request a refund themselves from Facebook by clicking the below link and following these steps: 


  • Select - I donated to a fundraiser on Facebook
  • Select - I want a refund for my donation(s)
  • Select - I made a donation by accident and request the refund.

My friend who is not on Facebook would like to donate – how can they do this?

There are two options for them to support your fundraiser:

  • They can give you the cash or transfer you the funds (via PayPal, Online Banking etc) and you can add the donation to your fundraiser yourself
  • Or they can donate directly to CHAS at: https://www.chas.org.uk/donate. If they do this please ask them to put your name and “Knit Every Day” in the message box so funds can be allocated correctly to your fundraising efforts!

I want to complete the challenge as a team, how do I do this?

Facebook suggests you can add up to three friends to be organisers of your fundraiser. Together you and your friends can then manage the fundraiser and rally more supporters to reach your fundraising goals.

To do this, first create your fundraiser on Facebook and then click the three dots next to the "share" button - here you can add your additional organisers. If you need further guidance, please email Holly at teamCHAS@chas.org.uk.

Make a difference, one stitch at a time!

Knit Every Day in August offers you an incredible opportunity to combine your passion for knitting with the joy of giving. By participating in this virtual knitting challenge, you become an integral part of CHAS's mission to bring comfort, care, and happiness to children and families facing the most challenging times. Together, let's knit our way to brighter futures!

Sign up today and start knitting! Let's knit, chat, and purl our way to support CHAS!

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: