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The CHAS Alphabet

The children and families we care for are at the very heart of everything we do, including our CHAS Alphabet.

Two of our children designers with their letters.

The CHAS Alphabet is bright and colourful and represents the joy we bring to families, as well as remembering loved ones.

Each letter has been individually designed by one of the children or young people we care for, or a family member. That means there is a very personal story behind every letter.

The inspiration behind the design

This beautiful letter was designed by Ivy-Rose, with help from her brother: “These designs make me happy. The heart design is because my brother had heart surgery and is fighting strong.”

The Letter I decorated with drawings of rainbows, stars, an angel and a heart with a crown on a pink background

Have a look at more brilliant designs

Check out these videos to see more of the brilliant designs created by children and families.

Short version - approx. 2 minutes – featuring a few of the letters.

Long version - approx. 8 minutes - featuring all 37 letters recently added to the CHAS alphabet.

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: