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The Grim – Conquered!

Hilary and Graeme Inglis faced cold, rain and a lot of mud last weekend while taking part in ‘The Grim’.

The brave couple managed to keep smiling while working their way around the course all to raise money for CHAS. Our fundraising team have been blown away as over £2200 has been raised on their online giving page with more money to come.

Hilary said: ‘At a recent event we heard from a mother who told of her experience with CHAS - for two of her children. 

She was amazingly brave in telling her story but to hear that her and her family went through it twice was truly heart breaking.

The pain of running 8 miles in December through freezing rivers, across muddy tracks in freezing conditions should be nothing in comparison!’

We think you are both fundraising heroes!

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: